Английский язык

перевод нужен HEART DISEASE p.34 Heart disorders ( disorder [dɪˈsɔːdə] расстройство ,нездоровье) fall into broad groups; congenital and acquired ( acquired [əˈkwaɪəd]приобретенный) . Congenital heart defects are caused by structural defects. Acquired heart disease is mainly due to rheumatic fever. Congenital (congenital [kənˈdʒɛnɪt(ə)l] врожденный) defects may result in cyanosis if the defect is such that blood does not pass through the lungs for oxygenation . The patient has blue lips and finger and toenails .The ends of the fingers and toes are rounded and club-like ( club-like зд. похожие на барабанные палочки) . Sometimes there is an opening between the left and right side of the heart, or even between the aorta and pulmonary ( pulmonary [ˈpʌlmən(ə)rɪ] легочный) artery. Symptoms depend on ( to depend on [dɪˈpɛnd] зависеть от ) the type of heart disease. sometimes, the defect is picked up (pick up [ˈpɪkˈʌp] уловить, обнаружить) on a routine examination; at other times there may be breathlessness, difficulty in walking or running, swelling of feet and puffiness ( puffiness [ˈpʌfɪnɪs] одутловатость) of face, and later of the whole body. Some these anomalies can be surgically. 1) What kind of groups do the heart disorders fall? 2) What are the symptoms of some congenital heart defects? 3) Can these anomalies be surgically corrected?