Дипломная работа: Comparative Analysis of the Compound Words
In English we can also find the signal words which form compound adjectives; but they are hyphenated: light, dark, long, middle, high: e.g. light – green, dark-blue, middle-aged, long-legged, and high-qualified.
German compound adjectives are formed like English compound adjectives.
1. Adjective + adjective +Adjektive = shwarzweissrot.
Deutsch + usbekisch = deutsch - usbekisch
2. Hell + grün = hell – grün. As in English light – green
3. Adjektive + Adverb = bekannt + in der Welt = Wellbekannt
машхур + дунёда = дунёга машхур
hart + wie Stahl = Stahlhart
қаттиқ + пўлатдай
This kind of adjectives always express comparison rot + wie ziegel = ziegelrot - красныйкаккирпич
blau + wie himmel = himmelblau - синий как небо
But in English “as … as” is used to show comparison: as blue as the sky
2.3.3 Compound Verbs
In Uzbek compound verbs are formed by joining two words:
1. Verb + noun – verb word: дам олмоқ (to rest), ҳимоя қилмоқ(to defend), пайдо бўлмоқ(to appear).
Some of them are synonyms to simple verbs:
ёрдам бермоқ, = ёрдамлашмоқ, - to help – to give a hand
2. Verb + verb = сотиб олмоқ, чиқариб олмоқ, ютиб олмоқ.
Some verbs such as ўқиб чиқди, кўриб бўлди, бошлаб юборди are not compound verbs in speech. They have no a new lexical meaning.
Verbs which are considered compound, may not be a compound verb in English and German:
муҳокама қилмоқ – to discuss (simple verb)
ғолиб бўлмоқ – to win
In German the main word of compoundverb is the second word, but modifying one will be:
· Noun:
teilnehmen - қатнашмоқ
rad fahren - велосипедда учмоқ
· Adjective:
fertigmachen-tayorlamoq, oxiragacha bajarmoq.
festhalten - ushlamoq.
leichtfallen - oson bo`lmoq