Дипломная работа: Диахронический анализ грамматической омонимии прилагательных и наречий английского языка

1 claene (3-4 clane, 2 clone), 1-6 clene, 2-7 cleane, (4-6 cleyn(e, 4-7 cleen(e, (5 clen, kleane, klene, 5, 7 clayne) 6 - clean

1. Clear (1040)

2. Pure, undefiled, unsullied (1000)

3. Free from dirt or filth (897)

CLEAN adv.

Forms : see Clean adj.

1. Of manner : In a “clean” manner

2. In a manner free from dirt; or so as to leave no dirt, refuse, or obstructions. (1000)


1 claenlic, 4 clenlich, clanli, 5 -7 clenly, - lie, 6 clene - cleanely (clendly), 5 - cleanly

Claen + lic = Clean + body :

It appears to have been first used of moral and spiritual purity and thence extended to certain senses of clean but its main sense still refers to habit and tendency rather than to actual state.

1. Morally or spiritually clean. (888)

2. Clean as clothes or the like. (1340)

3. Of persons (or beasts) : Addicted to cleanness, habitually clean. (1500)


1 claenlice, 4 clenliche, clanlie, 5 -7 clenlye, - lie, 6 clene - cleanely (clendly), 5 - cleanly

1. In a cleanly manner (1000)

CLEAR adj.

3 -5 cler, (4 clier, clyre, clyer), 4 - 7 clere, 4 - 8 cleer, 5 - 7 cleere, (5 clure, 6 cleir, clar), 6 - 7 cleare, 6 - clear (a French borrowing).

1. Brightly shining, bright, brilliant. (1297)

2. a) Of the day, daylight: Fully light, bright; opposed to dusk, twilight. (1320)

b) Of the weather: sunshine, cloudless sky. (1297)

3. Transparent. (1300)

CLEAR adv. Forms : see CLEAR adj.

Clear is not originally an adverb, and its adverbial use arose partly out of the predicative use of the adjective, as in “the sun shines clear”; partly out of the analogy of natitive English adverbs which by loss of final - e had become formally identical with their adjectives especially of Clean adv. Which it has largely supplanted.)

1. Brightly, with effulgence, with undimmed or unclouded lustre. (1300)

2. † Distinctly. (1300) (now Clearly)

3. † Manifestly, evidently. (1562) (now Clearly)

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