Дипломная работа: Диахронический анализ грамматической омонимии прилагательных и наречий английского языка


1. † Brightly; luminously; transparently. (1350)

2. With optical distinctness. (1297)

3. Of mental vision: with full understanding, distinctly. (1350)

4. Manifestly, evidently. (1590)

CLOSE adj.

4 - 5 cloos, 4 - 6 clos, 5 cloce, (5 - 6 closse, 8 closs), 4 - close

1. Closed, shut; having no part left open. Often as extention of predicate as in “to shut close”. (1325)

2. Enclosed or shut in, esp. with walls or barriers. (1489)

3. Shut up in prison, confined. (1393)

4 shut up from observation, secret, occult. (1393)

CLOSE adv. Forms : see CLOSE adj.

(No strict dividing line can be drawn between the predicative uses of the adjective, and the adverbial use into which both gradually pass; but where the latter is fully developed, Closely is now preferred in ordinary prose.)

1. In (into) position in which the intervening place is closed up so that there is no interval; in immediate contact or proximity

a) Of the mutual proximity of ywo or more things. (1489)

b) Of the proximity of one thing to another. (1400)

2. † Secretly, covertly. (1387)

3. In strict confinement. (1399)


In a close manner; usually opposed to openly .

1. So as to leave no passage out or in. (1594)

2. Spec. With closed lips, inarticulately

3. † Secretly. (1423)

4. In close proximity. (1634)

DEAD adj.

1 - 3 dead, 2 - 3 daed, (3 deaed), 2 - 7 ded, (4 deede, deid, did, Ayenb. dyad, dyead), 4 - 6 deed, dede, 5 deyde, dyde, 6 dedde, 6 - 7 deade, 6 - dead.

1. That has ceased to live; deprived of life; in that state in which the vital functions and powers have come to an end and are incapable of being restored:

a) of men and animals (939)

b) of plants (1382)

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