Дипломная работа: Диахронический анализ грамматической омонимии прилагательных и наречий английского языка
1.in an easy manner; with ease; without trouble.
2.beyond question; by far: easily the best.
3.likely; well: He may easily change his mind.
FAIR Adjective
1 faeger, 2-6 feir, 5-7 faire, 3-6 faier, 4-7 far(e, 2 - fair
1.free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice.
2.legitimately sought, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules: a fair fight.
3.a. (of the sky) bright; sunny; cloudless to half-cloudy.
4.of a light hue; not dark: fair skin.
5.pleasing in appearance; attractive: a fair young maiden.
FAIR Adverb
1 faegre, 3-4 as those of the adjective with the addition of -e, 5- coincident with those of the adjective.
1. in a fair manner: He doesn’t play fair.
2. favorably; auspiciously.
[FAIR adj. + Ly2]
1.in a fair manner; justly; impartially.
2.moderately; tolerably: a fairly heavy rain.
3.properly; legitimately: a claim fairly made.
4.clearly; distinctly: fairly seen.
5.so to speak; seemingly: ears fairly steaming with rage.
6.Obs. softly; gently.
7.Obs. courteously.
FAST Adjective
1-2 faest, 2 fest, 3 fasst, 4-6 faste, 3 - fast
1.moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast horse; a fast typist.
2.done in or taking comparatively little time: a fast race; fast work.
3.adapted to, allowing, productive of, or imparting rapid movement: a hull with fast lines.