Дипломная работа: Modal verbs

1) obligation (from the speaker’s point of view)

E.g. Any real body must have extension in four directions: it must have Length, Breadth, Thickness, and – Duration.

In different contexts must may acquire additional shades of meaning, such as duty or necessity.

In this meaning must is found in affirmative and interrogative sentences and followed only by the simple infinitive.

2) Prohibition

E.g. He must not leave his room for a while. (Он не должен (ему нельзя) выходить из комнаты некоторое время).

This meaning is expressed in negative sentences and must is also followed by the simple infinitive.

3) emphatic advice

E.g. You must come and see us when you’re in London.

You must stop worrying about your son.

You mustn’t give another thought to what he said.

You mustn’t miss the film. It is very interesting.

You must have your hair cut.

It is much too long. You mustn’t cry .

“Andy” – she spoke in a quick, low voice – “of course you must never tell anybody what I told you about Canby yesterday.” (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

This meaning is found in affirmative and negative sentences and is closely connected with the two above mentioned meanings.

4) supposition implying strong probability

E.g. Watson, we must look upon you as a man of letters.

It must be late as the streets are deserted.

Must in this meaning is found only in affirmative sentences. In Russian this meaning is generally rendered by means of the attitudinal adverbs вероятно, должно быть.

In English this meaning may also be expressed by means of the attitudinal adverb probably.

In this meaning must may be followed by different forms of the infinitive. If reference is made to the present, the Continuous infinitive is used with dynamic verbs.

E.g. The book is not on the shelf. Jane must be reading it. Let’s have something to eat. You must be starving .

If must is followed by the simple infinitive of dynamic verbs, it expresses obligation.

E.g. Jane must read the book. You must stay here.

However, with stative verbs the simple infinitive is used to express supposition.

E.g. He must be over fifty.

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