Дипломная работа: Studies lexical material of English
Here is an activity in which learners (at a fairly advanced level) decide the categories themselves:
Put these words into four groups of three words each. Then, think of a title for each group.
goal net piece club racket shoot board green
court hole pitch referee check serve tee move
Now, can you add extra words to each group?
3.1.5 Ranking and sequencing
Ranking and sequencing activities require learners to put the words intosome kind of order. This may involve arranging the words on a cline: for example, adverbs of frequency {always, sometimes, never, occasionally, often, etc). Or learners may be asked to rank items according to preference:
Imagine you have just moved into a completely empty flat. You can afford to buy one piece of furniture a week. Put the following items in the order in which you would buy them:
fridge bed desk dining table sofa
wardrobe chair dishwasher bookcase cooker
washing machine chest of drawers
Now, compare your list with another student and explain your order. If you were sharing the flat together, would you agree? If not, make a new list that you both agree about.
Any sequence of activities – from starting a car to buying a home – lends itself to the same treatment. Here, for example, is a task that focuses on the language of air travel (from Garton-Sprenger J and Greenall S, Flying Colours 2, Heinemann):
Work in pairs. Think about what people do when they travel by plane. Put the actions below in the correct column.
before the flight | after the flight |
check in leave the plane land unfasten your seatbelt go into the departure lounge go to the departure gate fasten your seatbelt К-во Просмотров: 525
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