Контрольная работа: Reculiarites of Teaching English

Table of Contents


Chapter I. Articles………………………………………………………….………5

1.1 Countable and uncountable nouns…………………………………………….6

1.2 The definite article: “the”…………………………………………………......7

1.3 The indefinite article: “a/an”………………………………………………….9

1.4 The zero article…………………………………………………………..…..10

Chapter II. Different ways of teaching articles………………………………...…12

2.1 Ways of presenting articles…………………………………………………...12

2.2 Memory techniques………………………………………………………...…18

2.3 Further activities for practicing articles…………………………………...….19

2.4 Testing using articles……………………………………………………..…..21



List of References…………………………………………………………...……28


This paper deals with two types of articles definite (the) and indefinite (a/an), the use of which depends mainly on whether you are referring to any member of a group, or to a specific member of a group. It focuses on different rules of using definite, indefinite and zero articles and peculiarities of teaching articles.

In English, there are two main ways in which you can use a noun group. You can use it to refer to someone or something, knowing that the person you are speaking to understands which person or thing you are talking about. This can be called the specific way of referring to someone or something.

Alternatively, you can use a noun group to refer to someone or something of a particular type, without saying which person or thing you mean. This can be called the general way of referring to someone or something.

In order to distinguish between these two ways of using a noun group, you use a special class of words called determiners. You put them at the beginning of a noun group.

The articles a/an and the belong to a group of words called “determiners”. The correct use of the articles is one of the most difficult points in English grammar.

The problem of using and teaching articles is of great importance for many reasons. First, the correct use of articles offers difficulties and remains the area of linguistic theory where we different approaches with some important disputable points open to thought and discussion. Second, the pupils’ ability in the correct use of articles depends mainly on their speaking skills and vocabulary, that’s why it is necessary for teachers to be better informed of the ways of presentation and practicing using articles.

The objective of the paper is definite and indefinite articles and peculiarities of teaching articles.

The subject of the paper is different ways of using articles; the complex of exercises and activities applies to teaching articles.

In accordance with the objectives the following tasks are set:

1) to define and analyze the main ways of using definite, indefinite and zero articles;

2) to single out the main ways of teaching articles;

3) to analyze the importance of teaching articles.

The piece of research was carried out on the material of different authors, dictionaries and Internet.


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