Контрольная работа: Reculiarites of Teaching English

Italians make delicious ice-cream.

Trees don’t grow in the Antarctic.

2. Uncountable nouns (always singular).

Water must be pure if it is to be drunk.

Red is my favourite colour.

Smoking is bad for the health.

3. Proper nouns.

Also we should bear in mind the following rules of using the zero article:

· Zero article for days, months, seasons and holidays

Mondays are always difficult.

June is my favourite month.

Spring is a lovely season.

· Zero article for academic subjects and related topics

Art, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History.

English is a difficult language to learn well.

· Zero article for times of the day and night. Combinations are common with at, by, after, before:

At dawn/daybreak, at sunset/sunrise, by day/night.

We got up at dawn to climb to the summit.

· Zero article for meals

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper

· Zero article in fixed phrases

Arm in arm, come to light, face to face, from top to bottom, hand in hand, keep in mind, make friends, make fun of. [12:60; 13:47]

Chapter 2

Different Ways of Teaching Articles

Articles are a problem for students of English because of their meaning and grammar. The correct use of the article is one of the most difficult points in English grammar. Students must understand the main difference between definite and indefinite article. The usually means something like ‘‘you know which one(s) I mean”. We use the before a noun when our listener /reader knows (or can work out) which particular person(s), thing(s) we are talking about. In contrast to the, an indefinite article is used when a reference cannot be regarded as uniquely identifiable from the shared knowledge of speaker. The indefinite article is commonly associated with ‘‘first mention’’ of an item with which anaphoric the would be used in subsequent mention. Teaching articles should be based on such methodological principles as a conscious approach to forming and developing the skill of using articles. Pupils learn to use articles in the word-combinations, sentences in the target languages more successfully if they understand what they write, read or hear. Most grammar cannot be learnt in passing but has to be studied and thoroughly practiced before students can produce it confidently and accurately in new contexts. [7:54]

2.1 Ways of presenting articles

In the process of teaching English, teachers should pay special attention to countable and uncountable nouns. The distinction between countable and uncountable nouns must be clearly understood because it affects our choice of articles.

Countable nouns are words like cat, bridge, house, idea. We can count them (one cat, two houses, three ideas), so they can have plurals. The indefinite article a/an really means one, so we can use it with singular countable nouns (a house, an idea), but not with plurals.

We live in a small house.

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