Курсовая работа: Обучение чтению как средство развития личности и формирования её базовой культуры

3.What are the biggest rivers in the Republic of Ireland?

4. What is the capital of the republiс?

5. Why do the people call Ireland “the Emerald isle”?

6. What is the population of Ireland?

7. What is Ireland rich in?

· Find the English equivalents in the text.

На запад от Европы; меньше, чем Португалия, но больше, чем Шри-Ланка; богата музыкой, поэзией, песнями; впадать в море; прекрасные озера; Изумрудный остров.

Фрагмент урока №3.

Учебник Кузовлев В.П. «English -9», 9 класс.

Тема «What will you be?»

Цель: формирование навыков ознакомительного чтения.

Pre – reading activities.

· Try to understand the underlined words. Check in the dictionary.

Scientists have developed a device able to measure the weight of a single cell, and they intend to weigh a virus next. Made at Cornell University, it is a small cantilever whose vibration depends upon tiny masses placed on it. The mass of a single cell of the E coli bacterium , they say in the Journal of Applied Physics , is 665 femtograms. A femtogram is one thousand of pictogram which is one thousandth of a monograms , which is a billionth of a gram .

Reading activities

· Поясните главную мысль текста своими словами.

Post – reading activities.

· Read the text, answer the following questions:

1) What device have the scientists developed? What is it called?

2) How does the device work?

3) What units do the scientists use for the measurement of very small things?

4) What do they intend to detect?

5) What new measurement unit did the scientists have to invent to describe the world of the very small?

6) Where could the new device be used?

Фрагмент урока № 4.

Учебник Кузовлев В.П. «English -9», 9 класс.

Тема: «William Shakespeare»

Цель: формирование навыков ознакомительного чтения.

Pre – reading activities:

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