Курсовая работа: Problem of sraff personnel adaptation
- performance of single public assignments for an establishment of contacts of the new worker with collective;
- performance of single assignments on the organization of work of controls (a production meeting, board of directors, etc.);
- preparation of replacement of the staff at their rotation;
- carrying out in collective of division of special role games on rallying employees and development of group dynamics.
Besides this, it is necessary to pay attention to realization of principles of the organisation of the work which are rendered motivational influence on the personnel and facilitated process of adaptation of employees. It is possible to carry to such principles of the organization of work:
- creation of target problem groups, creative brigades, a variation of their structure, time and a problematic of work;
- definition of a rational degree of freedom of a mode of work, wide use of an accord principle of work;
- optimum duplication of problems of divisions, introduction of competitive divisions, projects, etc.;
- publicity of results of work (both group, and individual);
- participation of workers in management (use of methods of group development of decisions, collective participation in development of strategic programs, delegation of powers and the responsibility, etc.);
- carrying out of meetings with rational periodicity and duration;
- rational use of the arising referential groups;
- use of creative methods of development of decisions;
- maintenance of a feedback with administration and colleagues concerning the reached results of work and adequacy of their estimation.[5;83]
The centre of gravity of a supply with information of process of adaptation lays on gathering and an estimation of parameters of its level and duration. These parameters conditionally share on objective and subjective. To objective what characterise efficiency of labour activity concern, activity of participation of employees in its various spheres.
Besides this, parameters of adaptation are subdivided on an accessory to one of its aspects, for example, to professional aspect (conformity of qualifying skills to requirements of a workplace); to socially-psychological (a degree of conformity of behaviour of the person to the norms which have developed in given collective); to psycho-physiological (a degree of fatigue, a level of a nervous overload).
Subjective parameters characterise satisfaction of the employee work as a whole or its separate displays. They are subdivided similarly objective on an accessory to one of aspects of adaptation and define own estimation the worker. Exactly, the attitude to a trade and qualification; attitudes with collective of employees, with a management; state of health, conditions and weight of work; understanding of a role of individual problems in the decision of the general problems of the organization. Gathering and processing of the information on a level and duration of adaptation is expedient for spending within the limits of procedure of a current business estimation of the personnel. Here difference consists that in relation to new employees procedure of a business estimation should have higher periodicity within the limits of term of adaptation. For the domestic organizations the main problem of a supply with information of adaptation consists in necessity of accumulation of normative parameters of a level and duration of adaptation. The conclusion about its successful carrying out is done on the basis of comparison of actual and normative parameters.
1.2. Stages of adaptation .
Each enterprise or its collective possesses specific, only to it inherent features on which account successful or less successful work of collective as a whole depends. Procedures of adaptation of the personnel are called to facilitate occurrence of new employees during a life of the organization. Practice shows that 90 % of the people discharged from office within the first year have made this decision already in the first day of the stay in the new organisation . As a rule, the beginner in the organization collides from greater quantity of difficulties which great bulk is generated by absence of the information on the operating procedure, the location, features of colleagues, etc. That is special procedure of introduction of the new employee in the organization can promote removal of a lot of the problems arising in the beginning of work. Conditionally process of adaptation can be divided into four stages:
Stage 1.
The estimation of a level of readiness of the beginner is necessary for development of the most effective program of adaptation.
If the employee has not only special preparation, but also an operational experience in similar divisions of other companies, the period of its adaptation will be minimal. However it is necessary to remember that even in these cases in the organisation variants of the decision of problems already known to it are possible unusual for it. As the organizational structure depends on some parameters such as technology of activity, an external infrastructure and of the personnel. The beginner inevitably gets to some extent in a situation unfamiliar to it. Adaptation should assume both acquaintance to industrial features of the organization, and inclusion in communicative networks, acquaintance to the personnel, corporate features of the communications, etc.
Table 1.1. Distribution of duties on orientation [6;76-78].
Functions and actions of the organization |
Duties | |
Of the direct head |
Of the manager of the personnel | |
Drawing up of the program of the orientation |
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