Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system
For Y = 0 To 8
Layer_A (Y). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("nyt", vbResIcon)
Next Y
'Update Status displays
StatusBar1. SimpleText = "Game count is " & score & " " & opponentsname & ": " & opponentsscore & " | " & profilename & ": " & profilenamescore & " " & opponentsname & "'s Turn"
Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & "'s Turn."
End If
'Everything below until mod else statement is single player
If multiplayermode = False Then 'Sets X or O turn status on single player
If sw = True Then
StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized O's Turn"
StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized X's Turn"
End If
If sw = True Then
Y = 0
For Y = 0 To 8
Layer_A (Y). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("o", vbResIcon)
Next Y
Y = 0
For Y = 0 To 8
Layer_A (Y). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("x", vbResIcon)
Next Y
End If
If sw = True Then
Out_Box. Caption = "O's Turn"
Out_Box. Caption = "X's Turn"