Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system


Y = 0

For Y = 0 To 8

Layer_A (Y). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("o", vbResIcon)

Next Y

Out_Box. Caption = "O's Turn"

End If

End If


If multiplayermode = True And MyTurn = True Then

'Same as above packs message and sends move to other player

Dim dpmsg2 As DirectPlayMessage

Set dpmsg2 = dxplay. CreateMessage

Call dpmsg2. WriteLong (MSG_MOVE)

Call dpmsg2. WriteByte (Index)

Call dxplay. Send (MyPlayer, DPID_ALLPLAYERS, DPSEND_GUARANTEED, dpmsg2)

End If

End If

Sq_Left = Sq_Left - 1


MyTurn = False

End Sub

Public Function layer_A_online (Index As Integer)

playerdisplaylabel. Caption = ""

'This routine is called to mark sqares when remote computer

'sends a move made command.

'Same as above with some redundant routines removed

If Sq_Left Mod 2 = 1 Then

If sw = True Then

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