Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system
multiplayermode = False 'initiate mode to false
Call deinitialize 'disables all squares until gamemode and multiplayer mode is decided
score = 0 'sets game count to 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Could Not Load Form", vbOKOnly, "Quitting"
End Sub
Private Sub deinitialize ()
'Disables all squares until game selection is made
Dim m As Integer
For m = 0 To 8
Layer_A (m). MousePointer = vbCustom
If sw = True Then 'sets mouse pointer to x for x first
Layer_A (m). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("x", vbResIcon)
Else 'sets mouse pointer to O for O first
Layer_A (m). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("o", vbResIcon)
End If
Layer_A (m). FontSize = 28
Layer_A (m). FontBold = True
Layer_A (m). Caption = ""
Layer_A (m). BackStyle = 0
Layer_A (m). Alignment = 2
Layer_A (m). Enabled = False
Next m
'Update Status Bar
StatusBar1. SimpleText = "Select Game - New Game or Multiplayer option to start game"
Out_Box. Caption = "Start New Game."
End Sub