Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system
End If
Layer_A (u). FontSize = 28
Layer_A (u). FontBold = True
Layer_A (u). Caption = ""
Layer_A (u). BackStyle = 0
Layer_A (u). Alignment = 2
Player_A (u) = 0
Computer_A (u) = 0
Layer_A (u). Enabled = True
Next u
'update statusbar and display routine******************************
If usermode = "host" And multiplayermode = True Then
StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized " & profilename & "'s Turn"
Out_Box. Caption = profilename & "'s Turn."
End If
If usermode = "client" And multiplayermode = True Then
StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized " & opponentsname & "'s Turn"
Out_Box. Caption = opponentsname & "'s Turn."
End If
If multiplayermode = False Then
Out_Box. Caption = "X Goes First"
End If
End If
'End sw true*********************************************
'set starting icon*****************
If sw = False Then
StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized" & " O's Turn"
Debug. Print "Turn Status " & MyTurn
Debug. Print "SW Value is " & sw