Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system

End If

If multiplayermode = False Then

MyTurn = True

End If

Begin = False ' cancel marking routine

score = score + 1 'adds one to gamecount

If multiplayermode = True Then

If usermode = "client" And sw = True Then

MyTurn = False

ElseIf usermode = "client" And sw = False Then

MyTurn = True

End If

End If

'Start SW true mode**********************************

'initialize game settings

If sw = True Then

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "New Game Initialized" & " X's Turn"

Debug. Print "Turn Status " & MyTurn

Debug. Print "SW Value is " & sw

Dim u As Integer

u = 0

Sq_Left = 9

Token = 10

For u = 0 To 8

Layer_A (u). MousePointer = vbCustom

'select starting icon and characteristics****************************

If usermode = "host" Then

Layer_A (u). MouseIcon = LoadResPicture ("x", vbResIcon)


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