Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system

gameopen. ForeColor = vbBlue

host. Enabled = False

join. Enabled = False

Dim Y As Byte

Y = 0

For Y = 0 To 2 Step 1

lantype (Y). Enabled = False

Next Y

End Function

Option Explicit

Dim a (9) As Integer

Dim Player_A (9) As Integer 'Initialize X array

Dim Computer_A (9) As Integer 'Initialize O array

Dim Test_Result (8) As Integer

Dim Win (3) As Integer ' Spots won to marked

Dim m, Token, first_turn, temp1 As Integer

Dim Temp As Boolean 'check whether player won

Dim Sq_Left, n1, mark As Integer

Dim tr As String 'string passed on win to mark routine

Dim Begin As Boolean 'continue winning spots flashing

Dim sw As Boolean 'Sets whether X or O starts game

Public Sub Initialize ()

' select who's turn

If usermode = "host" And multiplayermode = True Then

' set o or x first

If sw = True Then

MyTurn = True


MyTurn = False

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