Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system
Call dxplay. Send (MyPlayer, DPID_ALLPLAYERS, DPSEND_GUARANTEED, dpmsg)
Call CloseDownDPlay
Unload Connect
onconnect = False
End Sub
Private Sub newgame_Click () 'starts new game single or multiplayer
On Error GoTo NoGame
If usermode = "client" And multiplayermode = True Then
MsgBox "Only the host can restart the game. ", vbOKOnly, "Tic Tac Oops"
Exit Sub
End If
If multiplayermode = False Then
usermode = "host"
Call Initialize
Call restart_Click 'call restart routine for multiplayer
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Could Not Start Game. ", vbOKOnly, "Oops"
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub o_Click () 'sets menu item whos first o
If GameUnderway = True Then
MsgBox "You cannot chang this option while a game is in play", vbOKOnly, "Tic Tac Oops"
Exit Sub
End If
If o. Checked = True Then
sw = False