Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system


x. Checked = True

o. Checked = False

sw = True

End If

If multiplayermode = True Then

'Sends who goes first message.

Dim dpmsg As DirectPlayMessage

Set dpmsg = dxplay. CreateMessage

Call dpmsg. WriteLong (MSG_XORO)

Call dpmsg. WriteByte (1)



End If

Debug. Print "menu X or O clicked sw is " & sw

End Sub

Global usermode As String 'sets usermode host or client

Global multiplayermode As Boolean 'Sets multiplayer yes no

Global MyTurn As Boolean 'My turn switch

Global profilename As Variant 'name for your machine

Global opponentsname As Variant 'name for remote machine

Global score As Integer ' keeps track of game score

Global profilenamescore As Integer 'your score

Global opponentsscore As Integer 'remote score

Global sw As Boolean 'set whether x or o goes first

' Constants

Public Const MaxPlayers = 2

Public Const MChatString = 60

' DirectPlay stuff

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