Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system
Public dxplay As DirectPlay4
Public EnumConnect As DirectPlayEnumConnections
Public onconnect As Boolean
Public gNumPlayersWaiting As Byte
Public MyPlayer As Long
Public EnumSession As DirectPlayEnumSessions
Public numplayers As Byte
Public dxHost As Boolean
Public CurrentPlayer As Integer
Public PlayerScores (MaxPlayers) As Byte
Public PlayerIDs (MaxPlayers) As Long
Public dxMyTurn As Integer
Public GameUnderway As Boolean
Public connectionmade As Boolean
'The appguid number was generated with the utility provide with DX7 SDK.
Public Const AppGuid = "{D4D5D10B-7D04-11D3-8E64-00A0C9E01368}"
'This defines the msgtype you will send with DXplay. send
Public Enum MSGTYPES
MSG_STOP 'Handles user diconnect
MSG_CHAT_ON 'Chat on or off
MSG_CHAT 'chat input
MSG_RESTART 'Restart Game
MSG_XORO 'Select if X or O Starts game
MSG_MOVE 'What square selected
End Enum
Public Sub CloseDownDPlay () 'this shuts down directplay
dxHost = False
GameUnderway = False