Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "Game count is " & score & " " & opponentsname & ": " & opponentsscore & " | " & profilename & ": " & profilenamescore & " " & profilename & "'s Turn"

playerdisplaylabel. Caption = profilename & "'s Turn."


MyTurn = False

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "Game count is " & score & " " & opponentsname & ": " & opponentsscore & " | " & profilename & ": " & profilenamescore & " " & opponentsname & "'s Turn"

playerdisplaylabel. Caption = opponentsname & "'s Turn."

End If

End If

If usermode = "client" Then

If sw = True Then

MyTurn = False

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "Game count is " & score & " " & opponentsname & ": " & opponentsscore & " | " & profilename & ": " & profilenamescore & " " & opponentsname & "'s Turn"

playerdisplaylabel. Caption = opponentsname & "'s Turn."


MyTurn = True

StatusBar1. SimpleText = "Game count is " & score & " " & opponentsname & ": " & opponentsscore & " | " & profilename & ": " & profilenamescore & " " & profilename & "'s Turn"

playerdisplaylabel. Caption = profilename & "'s Turn."

End If

End If

restart. Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub send_chat_Click ()

'handles chat boxes

Const chatlen = 5 + MChatString

Dim msgdata (chatlen) As Byte

Dim x As Integer

'packs and sends chat box information

Dim cmsg As DirectPlayMessage

Set cmsg = dxplay. CreateMessage

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