Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system

Call MainBoard. layer_A_online (3)

Case 4

Call MainBoard. layer_A_online (4)

Case 5

Call MainBoard. layer_A_online (5)

Case 6

Call MainBoard. layer_A_online (6)

Case 7

Call MainBoard. layer_A_online (7)

Case 8

Call MainBoard. layer_A_online (8)

End Select

MyTurn = True

Case MSG_CHAT_ON 'Handles Turn chat on off

Call MainBoard. chatswitch

Case MSG_XORO 'Selects who goes first X or O

Dim thing As Byte

thing = dpmsg. ReadByte

If thing = 1 Then

Call MainBoard. x_Click

End If

If thing = 2 Then

Call MainBoard. o_Click

End If

Case MSG_RESTART 'handles input for restart

multiplayermode = True

MainBoard. playerdisplaylabel. Caption = opponentsname & " has restarted the game."

If sw = True Then

MyTurn = False

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