Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system
MyTurn = True
End If
Call MainBoard. restart_Click
Case MSG_CHAT 'Handles Chat String input
Dim chatin As String
chatin = dpmsg. ReadString ()
If MainBoard. chatlabel. Text = "" Then
MainBoard. chatlabel. Text = opponentsname & ": " & chatin
MainBoard. chatlabel. Text = MainBoard. chatlabel. Text & vbCrLf & opponentsname & ": " & chatin
End If
Case MSG_STOP 'Handles player disconnected.
MsgBox opponentsname & " has left the game. ", vbOKOnly, "Tic Tac Oops"
MainBoard. mnudisconnect. Enabled = False
MainBoard. newgame. Enabled = True
MainBoard. hostagame. Enabled = True
MainBoard. joinagame. Enabled = True
multiplayermode = False
usermode = "host"
Call CloseDownDPlay
Unload Connect
onconnect = False
End Select
End If
Exit Sub
' Error handlers
MsgBox ("Error reading message. ")