Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system

MsgCount = MsgCount - 1

'Direct X System Only Messages not user defineable

If FromPlayer = DPID_SYSMSG Then

Select Case msgtype

' New player, update player list



If Connect. Visible Then Connect. UpdateWaiting 'update connection sessions list

Case DPSYS_HOST 'either lost connection or changed you to host

dxHost = True

If Connect. Visible Then

MsgBox ("You are now the host. ")

Connect. UpdateWaiting ' make sure Start button is enabled

End If

End Select

' - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

' User specified Message Structure TYPES


' Get name of sending player

If onconnect = False Then

fromplayername = dxplay. GetPlayerFriendlyName (FromPlayer) 'Gets name

opponentsname = fromplayername 'changes to games variable

'Updates status bars and labels.

If usermode = "host" Then

MainBoard. playerdisplaylabel. Caption = opponentsname & " Has Joined The Game"

MainBoard. StatusBar1. SimpleText = opponentsname & "Is Ready To Play, Start Game"

End If

If usermode = "client" Then

MainBoard. playerdisplaylabel. Caption = "You Have Joined " & opponentsname & "'s Game"

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