Реферат: Callaway Golf Case Essay Research Paper Contents1

Callaway Golf Case Essay, Research Paper


1 Introduction to the case 2

2 Analysis of the environment 3

2.1 Listing of environmental factors influencing the company (PEST Analysis) 3

2.1.1 Political and legal factors 4

2.1.2 Economic factors 4

2.1.3 Socio-cultural factors 5

2.1.4 Technological factors 7

2.2 The international golf equipment market Introduction 8

2.3 Analysis of the competitive forces (Five-Forces-Analysis) 10

2.4 Anal. of the Drivers Of Change in the industry and their impacts 12

3 The companies and their strategy 15

3.1 Which companies are in the strongest/weakest competitive Position 15

3.2 Recommendation of strategic moves 17

3.3 Key factors For competitive success in the Industry 18

3.4 The prospects for above average profitability in the golf-equipment industry 20

4 Callaway Golf Company Resources and Competitive Capabilities 23

4.1 The present strategy 23

4.2 The company s strengths and weaknesses 24

4.3 External opportunities and threats 25

4.4 The company s prices and costs 26

4.4.1 Analysis of the companies competitive position 26

4.4.2 Analysis of Stakeholder Expectations 28

5 SWOT Analysis 31

6 Sources of reference 32

1 Introduction to the case

The task is to execute a strategic analysis for Callaway Golf Company and to determine the actual position of the firm and its environments. The amalysis will result in verifying if there is a change of the present strategy necessary to continue Callaway s success story.

2 Analysis of the company s environment


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