Реферат: Education in Russia

In 2006-2010 the first results of modernization of formation should be designated such as real improvement of quality of the general and vocational training and decrease in social intensity in a society.

On the basis of increase of the salary of workers in the sphere of education the growth of social status and improvement of qualitative structure will be provided.

Such a reform is necessary for Russia education. At existing system it is impossible to expect essential increasing of the human capital, which basically defines prospects of development of all economy. Scientists of the world have already come to a conclusion, that the most important resource of economy is the human one, possession, which in scales of the country defines its position in the world.

1.3 Results of a state policy in sphere of education during last decades

According to the statistic data the population of 2002, there’re more than 109,4 million persons in Russia in the age of 15 years have basic general and is higher education that makes 90,2 % of this age group. Since 1989 the number of persons with such educational level has increased for 18,3 million or on 20 %. Thus 76,5 % of the group of the population in the age of 15 years have average (full) general education, and 59 % have vocational training. In total since 1989 to 2002 the number of specialists with higher education has increased up to 6,6 million. The number of the persons having post-grade education (finished postgraduate study, doctoral studies, Internship) and of the persons having secondary education has also increased for 5 % (up to 1 million).

By the beginning of 2002 the quantity of students in the country has grown in comparison with 1990 in 2,1 times that makes 5,95 million person. Similar tendencies of growth of number were observed in higher educational institutions (in 2 times).

Besides the quantitative estimations it is necessary to accept attention quality standards of education system. So, it is obvious that the level of knowledge and skills, which are received by pupils, are as high as it’s demanded.

However, despite of the mentioned above tendencies, in Russia a significant part of graduates don’t work on their specialties. The mentioned above processes of employment of the population with higher education, a rate of unemployment on the given category for last 10 years practically has not changed. The basic growth of unemployment falls at the population with the average general education.

2. Modern Education System of Russian Federation

2.1 Continuous education

The question whether it is possible to be taught, receive formation once for all life, is not new for the modern society. The idea of continuous (lifelong) training has arisen in the remote past, but humanity began to test sharp necessity for its realization in the end of XX century. It shows the dynamism of social and economic and spiritual development of the modern society. To correspond to requirements of promptly varying society, the person should fill up, expand, specify constantly luggage of knowledge, raise his general and professional culture, and develop the creative potential.

In 80th in documents of the international organizations (the UNESCO, the Roman club, etc.) studying the conditions and prospects of development of world education system the concept of continuous formation was issued. The essence of the concept consists of the idea of "a training society”, lifelong education, a person satisfying his needs in continuous perfection and self-realization.

Originally the idea of continuous formation was developed as a problem of education of adults. Thus the theses of modern psychology that development of the person is not limited to frameworks of the childhood were taken into account. It was supposed, that continuous formation will facilitate for the person change of social roles during the different periods of a life, will support and improve the quality of an individual and collective life by personal, social and professional development. In the modern concept continuous formation is considered as the constant form of all human life since the early age.

Continuous education is the activity of the person focused on purchase of knowledge, development of all parties and abilities of his person, including formation of skill to study and preparation for execution of various social and professional duties, and also for participation in social development as in scale of the country, and of the world.

Main principles of continuous formation can be formulated as follows:

- Orientation of educational system to the person, to his individual and base needs;

- Wide democratism of educational system, availability, openness of any step and form of education to everyone in spite of the person’s sex, social status, nationality, physical condition, etc.;

- Fast reaction of educational system to features of interests of various categories of the population, and also styles and rates of training;

- Development of various forms of the educational services allowing to give education in a way convenient for people, in necessary volume, in a suitable place, at any time;

- Unity of formal and informal kinds (self-supporting rates, circles, clubs on interests, etc.) of education, creation of "an educational field” which will transform the society into "training";

- Use of electronic technology with a view of maintenance of reception with people getting education at any stage of their vital way.

Now the system of continuous formation, which should provide interaction of all factors of formation of the person, is almost fulfilled. Nowadays continuous education becomes a mass movement in which study, work, and leisure of people are integrated.

2.2 Characteristics of education system in Russia

2.2.1 Requirements and educational organizations

Modern and future employers are interested in such worker who is allocated the following qualities:

- To think independently and to solve various problems (i.e. to apply the received knowledge to their decision);

- To possess creative thinking;

- To possess the rich lexicon based on deep understanding of humanitarian knowledge.

Thus, the graduate of modern school who will live and work in the next millennium, in a postindustrial should possess the certain qualities of the person:

- Flexibly to adapt in varying vital situations, to be able to acquire independently knowledge necessary for it, to be able to put them into practice for the decision of various arising problems;

- To think independently and critically, to be able to see problems arising in reality and, using modern technologies to search for ways of their rational decision; precisely to realize, where and how the knowledge got by him can be applied in the validity surrounding it; to be capable to generate new ideas, to think creatively;

- To work competently with the information (to be able to collect the facts that are necessary for the decision of the certain problem, to analyze them, to put forward hypotheses of the decision of problems, to do necessary generalizations, comparisons to similar or alternative variants of the decision, to establish statistical regularities, to draw the argued conclusions, to apply the received conclusions to revealing and decisions of new problems);

- To be sociable, contact in various social groups, to be able to work together in different areas, in various situations, to find ways to prevent or be able to leave any disputed situations;

- To work independently on the development of his own morals, intelligence, a cultural level.

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