Реферат: Education in Russia



1. Development of Russian Education System in the end of XX – the beginning of XXI centuries

1.1 Humanistic character of modern formation

1.2 Reform of education in Russia the beginnings of XXI century

1.3 Results of a state policy in sphere of education during last decades

2. Education System in Russian Federation

2.1 Continuous education

2.2 Characteristic of education system in Russia

2.2.1 Requirements and educational organizations

2.2.2 Preschool educational establishments and schools

2.2.3 Middle professional education

2.2.4 High school

2.2.5 Private and alternative educational establishments




Nowadays the question of surviving in new social-economical conditions becomes one of the most important. Education must prepare a modern man for the reality of life. Education system in any country should help to solve the main problems of social, economical and cultural development of human society. That’s why the role of school as a basic part of education and its ability to be flexible is of great importance.

Unfortunately the attempts to copy American experience in teaching without understanding all its advantages and disadvantages has given us the results that we did not intend to get. At the same time many Russian people brought up according to the humanist principles that are traditional for Russian culture realized this mistake and began paying more attention to the very personality of students and to the latest psychological researches.

In fact the person is inquisitive by the nature, and the satisfaction of information famine for a usual person is almost the same as the need for food. Therefore really talented teacher aspires to wake and fix this thirst for knowledge, shows the pupils, how it is possible to receive satisfaction in the process of knowledge. However the teacher who will set such a problem, will inevitably collide with a number of difficulties, especially if he works at an ordinary school. Therefore in a private school where as everywhere in conditions of the market approach, " all is made for the client ", such people find way to realize their ideas. In fact if children find being at school pleasant their parents, understanding, that it is not vain, will spend the money easier.

The history of humanity testifies, that education and society are inseparable. All global problems (economic, social, political, culturological, demographic, ecological, etc.), with which the society collides, anyhow have influence on the sphere of formation and education. For example, in connection to the economic difficulties experienced by many countries including the Russian Federation, state financing of the education system decreases that conducts to insufficient quality of material equipment of teaching and educational establishments, to decrease in quality of preparation of pedagogical staff. The ecological conditions on the planet have also destroying influence on health of a person since the very birth. As a result the abilities to training are reduced; there is the need for creation of educational establishments of correctional, improving character. During wars, ethnic conflicts that take place in many countries, problems of formation were put off to the background; in front of the threat of danger of death the possibility of going to school or a kindergarten catastrophically loses its importance.

But, on the other hand, education defines many aspects of a person’s life in a society. Scientists emphasize social value of education as an important transformation force of the society. It is known, that for an output from the crisis experienced now by the world civilization, radical changes in consciousness, behaviour of people are necessary. To transform the private world of an individual on the basis of humanistic ideals, purposefully to form moral qualities, to rise a level of culture and vocational training of the person are the functions of modern education. The social role of education consists of the opportunity to influence to the development of tendencies in the society, to prepare the next generation for the solving of global or local problems of the present, to learn them to predict it and if it is required to warn their consequences.

For each person education more or less expresses personal values. The process of getting education which in the highly developed countries takes a quarter of a vital way of the modern person, but at the same time it makes his life substantial and spiritualized, opens his various emotions, satisfies needs for knowledge, dialogue, self-affirmation. While a person gets education all the potential abilities of the person develop his self-realization is carried out, his image is formed. With the help of formation the person adapts for life in the society, acquires knowledge and skills necessary for this.

1. Development of Russian Education System in the end of XX – the beginning of XXI centuries

1.1 Humanistic character of modern formation

Russian natural-science education is estimated very highly and is considered to be one of the best in the world. The benefit of it can be seen in the brilliant results of the Russian schoolboys on the international Olympiads, and also in the high level of preparation of the Russian employees working at foreign universities or firms, in comparison with the western colleagues. Nevertheless, this point of view has also opponents. They refer to a low level of mass literacy of the Russian population, especially rural, on low erudition of inhabitants of many small cities situated far from capital mega cities. However there are all bases in the estimation of scientific-educational potential of this or that country to conduct comparison by the best, most educated part of the population.

The changes in social and economic sphere of a public life have put many countries of the world, including Russia, before the necessity of reforming educational system. Reforms of education, becoming a part of social policy of the modern states, are directed to:

- Updating of all parts of the system from preschool establishments up to universities;

- Perfection of the maintenance, methods and means of teaching and educational work;

- Improvement of preparation and improvement of professional skill of the pedagogical staff.

These ideas are put in the basis of state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of humanistic education. They found reflection in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993), the Law of the Russian Federation «About education» (1992). In documents it is declared, that education should be carried out in interests of person, society and state. It is outlined, that, moving on the way of humanization of society, it is possible to hope, that education will become one of the most important needs of the person and favorable conditions for realization of this need, for development of the general and professional culture of the person will be created. The main principles of the state policy in the field of education in Russia are humanistic character of formation, priority of universal values, lives and health of the person, freedom of development of the person; protection of national cultures, cultural traditions of peoples of Russia; general availability, etc.

1.2 Reform of education in Russia the beginnings of XXI century

education russia reform

It is possible, that the given estimations are too much subjective, but thus, it is obvious, that Russian education system is still too theoretical and poorly aimed at practical application. It is insufficient for the satisfaction of the need of flexible education in modern conditions.

According to the Concept of modernization Russian Formations till 2010, approved by the government on 25 October 2001, education is supposed to be reformed in two stages:

1. At the first stage (2001-2003) it was necessary in to restore the responsibility of the state in the sphere of education, with an output on minimal necessary budgetary specifications. The decision of socially significant problems and modernization of education was developed and occurs in a context of the general process of reforming of the various parties of a life, in close interaction with other reforms, simultaneously being for them a source of maintenance necessary personnel resource.


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