Реферат: Education in Russia
Modern Russian formation is a continuous system of consecutive steps of training, on each of which the state, municipal educational establishments of different types and kinds operate. The educational system unites different educational organizations and includes:
- Preschool;
- General educational;
- Establishments for children-orphans and children who have stayed without care of parents;
- Professional (initial, average special, higher, etc.) education;
- Establishments of additional formation;
- Postgraduate education;
- Other establishments, rendering educational services.
Educational establishments can be paid and free-of-charge, commercial and noncommercial. It gives the right to come to the agreements among themselves, to be united in teaching and educational complexes (a kindergarten - an elementary school, lyceum – college or a university) and teaching research-and-production associations with participation of scientific, industrial and other establishments and the organizations.
Activity of the state, municipal educational establishments is under construction on the basis of the typical positions authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, about corresponding types and kinds of educational establishments. On the basis of typical positions charters of educational establishments are developed.
2.2.2 Preschool educational establishments and schools
The Russian preschool educational establishments are guided in the activity by the regulations about preschool educational establishment accepted in 1995. According to this position preschool establishments’ aim is to solve a complex of problems, such as:
· to carry out protection of a life and health of children;
· to provide their intellectual, personal and physical development;
· to attach to universal values;
· to cooperate with family in interests of high-grade development of the child.
Modern preschool establishments are characterized by multi-functionality, different kinds of educational organizations, and freedom in choice of priority direction of teaching and educational process, use of educational programs.
According to typical position different kinds of preschool establishments function:
- A kindergarten;
- A kindergarten with priority realization of one or several directions of teaching children (intellectual, art-aesthetic, physical, etc.);
- A kindergarten of a compensating kind with priority realization of qualifying correction of deviations in physical and mental development of pupils;
- A kindergarten of supervision and improvement with priority realization of sanitary-and-hygienic, preventive and improving actions and procedures;
- A kindergarten of the combined kind (into its structure general teaching, compensating and improving groups in a different combination can be included);
- The center of a child - a kindergarten with realization of physical and mental correction of all children.
It is necessary to note, that in the system of modern preschool establishments there is an insignificant number of the day nursery. The matter is that the conditions of education in a day nursery caused natural criticism on some of teachers, psychologists, the doctors considering the small child leaving his family characterized by heavy loading for his imperfect mentality. The analysis of parameters of development of children of early age, grown-up in a family, testifies, that half of them have deviations in physical health. Now scientific researches are conducted with the purpose of development of model of family-public education of children of early age in conditions of preschool establishment and family. Searching of new technologies of education of children of preschool age is carried out. In preschool establishments groups with a flexible operating mode are created. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to reconsider and develop:
• the general approaches to the organization of educational process;
• the general principles of construction of programs and techniques;
• the general principles of selection and a professional training.
The central part of an education system in the Russian Federation is the general secondary education which is provided with average comprehensive schools, schools with the profound studying separate subjects, grammar schools, licea, evening schools, educational establishments such as the boarding schools, special schools for children with deviations in physical and mental development, out-of-school educational establishments (children's musical and art schools, schools of arts, choral and choreographic studios, folklore ensembles, sports schools, etc.). At school pupils can study for 9 or 11 years.
The main tasks of general educational establishments are to create favorable conditions for intellectual, moral, emotional and physical development of the person; to promote development of scientific outlook; to provide development of system of knowledge of the nature, a society, the person, his work by pupils themselves; to generate receptions of independent activity.
2.2.3 Middle professional education