Реферат: Education in Russia

Middle professional education is focused on preparation according to the basis of the basic general, average (full) general or initial professional training including. Middle professional training can be received in a special educational institution (school, college) or in a higher educational institution at the first step of the higher professional education.

2.2.4 High school

The higher school in Russia is the most dynamically developing part of the system of continuous education. It is includes the following kinds of educational institutions: universities (the centers of fundamental scientific researches and carry out preparation of experts on different structures), academies, institutes, conservatories, and the higher professional schools. Reforming of high school is based on introduction of multistage preparation of specialists, which is realized under the maintenance, and terms of training by successive general educational programs. After the end of training on each of steps the graduate receives the diploma, which allows to be engaged in professional work or to proceed to the following stage of formation. Such reorganization of higher education enables to satisfy needs of the country for experts of a different skill level.

Reforms in domestic higher education have begun in 1992 with acceptance of the federal Law "About education". It has legalized concepts that are new to us: a bachelor degree, magistracy, and multilevel system. But, not breaking developed system, it has kept and has included new and old, one-stage system

The levels (or steps) of higher education are determined s by the federal Law accepted in 1996 "About the higher professional and postgraduate education ". According to it the higher education includes three steps:

- The first step: the incomplete higher education with term of training 2 years;

- The second step: the basic higher education (bachelor degree) with term of training 4 years;

- The third step - with it business is more difficultly: the former model is attributed to " the diplomated expert " with term of preparation of 5 years and a new one is "master" with term of preparation of 6 years;

If a student wants to continue training on one of the programs of the third level he has a choice. If he decides to receive qualification " the diplomated expert " it is necessary to study 1 more year (under condition of concurrence of programs actually studying lasts 1 semester, further there is an independent work on the diploma). But the best way for the bachelor to improve his qualification is the magistracy. Studying there lasts 2 years and comes to the end after having writing a final master’s dissertation and, accordingly, getting of a degree of master.

To all educational establishments the right to render additional educational services is given. Additional services can be paid if they fall outside the limits of obligatory educational work with students that are defined by the curriculum of establishment and the program accepted for it as basic.

2.2.4 Private and alternative educational establishments

Since 1991 in Russia it is authorized to open private educational establishments. The Charter of the Russian association of non-state education was accepted. For reception of the sanction to opening of a private school (a kindergarten, university, etc.) which is given out in the Department of education, it is necessary to present a package of obligatory documents (the concept of training and education, the program and the charter of an institution, data on structure of pedagogical collective, the information on means for the maintenance of establishment). On an orientation and the maintenance of work private educational establishments can be divided into some types:

- Exclusive in which for very high payment high quality of formation is provided;

- For children who require special conditions for studying and individual development, badly adapt, hardly transfer a rigid regulation of their behaviour and activity, intensity of a rhythm of educational establishment; gifted children for whom are necessary a special atmosphere for development and the special program of training.

The new tendency in development of educational system of Russia became an occurrence of the so-called non-conventional teaching and educational establishments, alternative mass schools, kindergartens. For non-conventional teaching and educational establishments such attributes, as specificity of the purposes and maintenances of education are characteristic; freedom of choice of establishment of the certain orientation; relative administrative independence; a special atmosphere and moral climate, promoting the best adaptation of the child, his multilateral development.


Education influences all kinds of activity of the person. Having left school, one enters the institute, others go to technical school, and the third do not act anywhere. It shows the certain filter in a choice of the further trade of the person. Marking a special role of education in history of humanity, foreign and Russian scientists speak about discrepancy of a modern education system to objective requirements of a present stage of social development. This stage, which came in second half of XX century, is characterized by serious, dynamical changes in various social and economic spheres. Because of the interest to the person as to the factor of economic progress the question about humanistic educations became more important. Progress in science, techniques, cultural and information revolutions transform education into the necessary attribute of a daily life.

Today it is possible to allocate three basic tendencies in sphere of education in Russia: crisis of classical model, creation of the experimental schools, alternative forms of training, integration into world culture: democratization of school, an establishment of communication with the basic subjects of culture, creation of system of continuous formation, humanization and computerization of education. The third tendency is the restoration and development of traditions of Russian school.


1. Днепров Э.Д. Современная реформа образования в России: исторические предпосылки, теоретические основания, этапы подготовки и реализации. А. дисс. … канд. пед. наук. Спб., 1994.

2. Козлова С.А., Куликова Т.А. “Дошкольная педагогика”. Москва, “Academa” 2000г.

3. Журналы “Дошкольное воспитание” №№ 5, 12 1997г., № 2 1998г., № 7 2000г.

4. Журналы “Вестник образования” № 9 1998г., № 14 2000г.

5. Education in the USSR / Kusin N. P. Moscow, 1972.

6. Phillip С. Slechty. “Schools for the 21st Century”. SanFrancisco, 1990.

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