Реферат: Фенологическое картирование в изучении миграций птиц

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Serebryakov V.V., Grishchenko V.N., Poluda A.M. (1991): The migration of swans, Cygnus spp., in the Ukraine, USSR. - Proc. Third IWRB Intern. Swan Symp. Oxford, 1989. Wildfowl, Supplement ą 1. 218-223.

Slivinsky U. (1938): Isopiptesen einiger Vogelarten in Europa. - Zool. Poloniae. 2: 249-287.

Southern H.N. (1938a): The spring migration of the Swallow over Europe. - Brit. Birds. 32: 4-7.

Southern H.N. (1938b): The spring migration of the Willow-Warbler over Europe. - Brit. Birds. 32: 202-206.

Southern H.N. (1939): The spring migration of the Redstart over Europe. - Brit. Birds. 33: 34-38.

Southern H.N. (1940): The spring migration of the Wood Warbler over Europe. - Brit. Birds. 34: 74-79.

Southern H.N. (1941): The spring migration of the Red-backed Sh

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