Реферат: Пословицы и поговорки на уроках английского языка
Olya, begin, please.
Thank you. Sasha, continue, please.
O: С глаз долой – из сердца вон. Out of sight, out of mind.
S: ...
Упр № 4
а) В восприятии и общем понимании содержания диалога.
Now, let’s read the dialogue. You should find the English proverb in it.
So, Katya, read the father’s part, and Oleg – the son’s one.
What proverbs is used here, Ann
K: I say, John, what have you learn at college?
O: Oh, many things...
A: As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
Now, using one of the proverbs of Step 1, make up a dialogue of your own. Olya and Sasha will take the first proverbs, Lena and Katya the second, Oleg and Sveta the third and Roman with Sergey will take the last one.
Olya and Sasha, begin, please.
O: You say, Sasha, what happened to you yesterday?
S: Oh, very sad things...
Упражнения в монологической речи на основе текста.
Упр. № 5. В высказывании учащихся с опорой на логико-синтаксическую схему.
Use the proverbs in situations of your own, the expressions in brackets will help you.
Let’s read the modal at first. Kolya, please.
Lena, you situation, please
Good of you, Lena. And now I want to listen to Anya.
K: Nick spent his summer at his grandmother’s...
L: Yesterday Vova watched TV all the evening. And before it he had played football after the lessons. So he prepared lessons badly. In the morning he managed to cope homework from his friends. But he hadn’t learnt the rules. As the result he got a bad mark. And with the sad face he went home. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.
Let’s read the following text. You should answer the questions using one of the proverbs of Step 1.
Oleg, read, please.
So, why did Mrs. Reed want to sand Jane to a school of poor girls?
Sveta, please.