Реферат: Sports Medicine Essay Research Paper Today in

they can be on their goal.” (Megan Gorman, 1997, p.46)

One thing that helps the mind and body relax is belly-rising, it

helps calm an individual and fill their blood with oxygen. Long distance

runners use belly-breathing to relax the mind and body and calm themselves

down. An example of this is when the runner is about to stop he or she

should take deep breaths, and blow out long and hard thus allowing the

relaxation and refocus the mind on the running. This method is called

“Explosive exhale.”

The third technique is called “Reframe the run,” it is used to set

aside adversities or pain. For instance, to help runners achieve a 12 mile

run psychologists tell the runner to divide the task into four three-mile

segments. In the first segment design and build a dream house in your mind,

in the second segment decorate inside the house, third landscape the

outside, and fourth move in. This concept allows the runner to remove the

pain and replace it with pleasure. Doing this allows the runner to run

much faster with less difficulty.

The Next technique that sports psychologist use is “Live in the

moment.” Few athletes realize the effect a positive attitude has on a game,

a positive attitude helps athletes stay completely focused, and it helps

them from worrying about whether or not their performance level is at there

peak or not. Athletes must stay “In the moment,” if athletes keep this in

mind they will accomplish any goal that they encounter. Doing so builds

confidence using self-talks. Living in the moment also allows the athlete

to remove the negative thoughts as well as bringing in the good.

The final technique is called “Visualization.” By creating a

mental picture of the task the brain can develop the situation within the

brain creating awareness before it actually occurs. Thus having this

picture in place, your mind will have better control over your emotions.

This makes it much easier to control their performance.

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