Реферат: Subject of legal linguistics

2) linguistics is part zakonozastosuvalnoyi technology for culture, language lawyer, rhetorical technique;

3) legal hermeneutics - the interpretation of formal legal texts from linguistic point of view.

3. Basic components of legal linguistics

Clearly, there is no need to give future lawyers a linguistic knowledge which allows for the students-philologists. But considered necessary in the new programs reflect the following:

1. Emphatic Syntax component.

Sociolinguistics - a branch of linguistics that studies language in conjunction with the social conditions of its existence.

Emphatic Syntax component explores ol: language as a social phenomenon, the functions of language, the specificity of the legal functions of language, place of language in the total complex of human rights, social conditions, environment and areas of language, literary language and social dialects, the legal principles of functioning of languages in Ukraine, etc. others.

One of the first recorded observations in writing, which shows the necessity of language in the context of its functioning in society, belongs to 17 century. and is the teacher of the University of Salamanca in Spain, Gonzalo de Koreas: "It should be noted that this is also the dialects prevalent in the provinces, some variations associated with age, position and property of residents of the provinces: there is a language of rural inhabitants, commoners, townspeople, noble lords and courtiers, historians, elder, preacher, wife, husband, and even small children. The term "C." first applied in 1952 an American sociologist Herman Curry.

One of the key concepts of AS is the language situation - a set of forms of existence of language, which serves the continuum of communication in a particular ethnic community or administrative-territorial association.

Types of language situations:

1) endohlosni - operates several subsystems of one language (territorial dialects sotsiolekty);

2) ekzohlosni - a set of multiple languages of communication in society;

3) mixed.

Parameters characteristic of the language situation:

1) degree riznomovnosti in the region;

2) the degree of genetic closeness of languages, operating in the region;

3) the proportion of speakers using different languages;

4) presence or absence of standardization and normalization;

5) assessment of the situation by speaking of different categories.

Language policy - the deliberate and purposeful leadership of the social language activities and impact on the everyday speech of its improvement as an essential means of communication and the overall index of human culture.

Factors that are important in terms of language policy:

1) norms and stylistic differentiation of literary language;

2) vzirtsevist language print and electronic media, government documents, parliamentary speeches, speeches of leading political figures;

3) improve the language culture in middle and high school;

4) systematic and systematic promotion of linguistic knowledge in print, on radio, television;

5) (for multi-country) taking into account the problems of multilingualism and the official state language, taking into account the linguistic rights of ethnic minorities;

6) establishment of community and government organizations designed to monitor and adjust the state language policy, the introduction of the "language police" (in France).

The functioning of languages in Ukraine is regulated by a number of regulations and departmental documents, content often is controversial:

1) Constitution of Ukraine;

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