Реферат: The culture of public speaking
- The circumstances, secondary data [5, p. 50].
As for recording information for future speeches, the most simple type of account – this issue. They are recommended for individual cards. They do not always have to be literal.
Factual note-taking is required when it is important to pass word for word the contents of the statutes, the new law, advertising information, etc.
In other cases, other kinds of recommended sources. Free note-taking – the text content in your own words. Evaluation note-taking – a critical analysis of content, when along with statements given by her. When creative note-taking views of the author complement, develop, generalize. Finally – Lecture note-taking – Contribute to this paper as it sounds in the audience.
Principles of Public Speaking
To become rhetorically literate person should be paid attention to building a strong foundation of knowledge, which is based on certain principles of public speech. These principles can be based on general principles as science rhetoric and perceptions of personal virtuosity of the living word.
There are two groups of principles of public speaking, using them can decide what and how to say in each case.
The first group corresponds to the principles of the question «What say?», It allows to determine the content and direction of the speech. It includes: clarity and certainty of personal positions, scientific, truth, the combination of theory and practice.
The second group of principles enables focus on the question «How do I say?», I think the organizational aspect of the speech. It can include such principles as the basis for the active role of audience, and systematic consistency, accessibility, differentiated approach, visibility [2].
Particular attention is focusing on the principle of visibility, because the use of visual aids during oral presentations enhances the truthfulness of speech, or at least creates the illusion of fairness, because it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. The British say: «See – it means to believe.» And this is true.
Psychologists argue this point because, having heard something, we want to see, and what we see will determine the interpretation heard. What we have not heard of «bigfoot», coming aliens lohneskoho dinosaur, communism and so on. We still not believe in their reality by the time until you see for yourself.
So it must be stressed, because this is important, all that is possible and advisable to use during the oral presentation – show.
Basic requirements for use of external visual aids:
- Its use is not an end in itself but is subordinated to goal and task performance;
- It illustrates only the main ideas, complex problems;
- Should not be overloaded obvious statement, it remains a subsidiary of media;
- Should be carefully relevance of each species separately and visibility of all their complex training students to their perception (eg, the ability of students to navigate on the map);
- Should not hang at the same time all the tables, charts, drawings – they must show at a time when they need to illustrate the performance of the material.
But, warns that «picture», however useful it may be, is not fully disclose the content of speech [2, sec. 8].
Concentrating attention on the fact that in a sense, all that said speaker has with him those other authoritative sources. A student should not always be a fan to the speaker or to treat it with extreme care until it feels that its a person who has his own authority, or could rely on other authority.
There are three types of authoritative statements:
A) claim based on the authority of the speaker;
B) statement, which is based on public opinion;
B) statement knowledgeable people.
Analyzing the problem of trust the audience to the speaker should take into account the fact that speaker to believe the word, students must either know him or trust him. The best way – indeed possess traits that trust, that is, be conscientious, honest, objective and well know the subject.
We note that the authority of public opinion includes everything from data on voting or poll and up the folk wisdom that is expressed in proverbs and sayings.
Each own research and opinions beg speaker may be appropriate for the audience as the opinion of all people with common sense: This is the power of true orators.
«I often quote myself – said Bernard Shaw. – It provides conversation piquancy. Other speakers usually cite other. However, be aware that the quote is necessary to be able, as quoted – is an integral part of good public speaking.
Actually performance