Учебное пособие: Консультации по английской грамматике В помощь учителю иностранного языка
But imagine the feminine she, shis, and shim!
So English, I think you all will agree,
Is the greatest language you ever did see.
Sometimes the noun in the plural acquires a different meaning:
authority — власть, полномочие
authorities — начальство, руководство, власть
damage — вред, повреждение
damages — убытки, компенсация за убытки
development — развитие, эволюция, рост
developments — события
humanity — человечество
humanities — гуманитарные науки
power — сила, мощность, энергия
powers — полномочия, власть; державы
work — работа
works — собрание сочинений; промышленные здания, строительное сооружение
Nouns that can be either singular or plural are called countable. Some nouns can't be used in the singular and in the plural, they are called uncountable. There are uncountable nouns used only in the singular and uncountable nouns used only in the plural.
have singular and plural forms have only one form
take verbs in the singular or in take verbs only in the singular/
the plural only in the plural
can have "a," "an," or "one" cannot have "a," "an," or "one"
before them before them
can have "few," "many" as can have "little," "much" before
modifiers them as modifiers
can be modified by a numeral —
can be substituted by "one" —
can have "some" before them can have "some" before them
only in the plural