Учебное пособие: Консультации по английской грамматике В помощь учителю иностранного языка
5. Some abstract nouns:
a help a plan
a hindrance a rest
an idea a scheme
an invention a taboo
a nuisance
Certain kinds of nouns are uncountable.
1. Names of substances and materials:
Food Materials
bread copper
cake cotton
chocolate concrete
meat grass
spaghetti iron
spinach steel
butter wood
cheese wool
2. Names of liquids, gases, and substances made of many small particles:
Liquids Gases Grains and other solids made
of many small particles
coffee air barley
milk carbon dioxide rice
oil oxygen sugar
tea smoke popcorn
3. Names of languages: Arabic, English, Chinese, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Welsh.
4. Most nouns ending in -ing. Exceptions include "building," "feeling," "dealing," "wedding" and "helping" when it means a portion of food; "a saving" is economy, but "savings" is an amount of money;
"furnishings" is always plural.
camping parking
clothing shopping