Учебное пособие: Консультации по английской грамматике В помощь учителю иностранного языка
knowledge знание, -я
research исследование, я
work работа,-ы
English uncountable plural Russian countable
archives архив, -ы
congratulations поздравление, -я
goods товар, -ы
outskirts окраина, -ы
proceeds выручка, -и
pyjamas пижама, -ы
remains остаток, -и
Nouns can be converted from uncountable to countable, and vice versa
The uncountable form always has a more generalized meaning, whereas the countable form has a more specified meaning Changing uncountable nouns into countable form usually requires some kind of container or package or unit measure: water → a glass of water, advice → a piece of advice, Life is hard → He had a hard life. On the other hand, changing countable nouns into uncountable forms usually requires changing them into a more abstract or generalized form: a chair → furniture, a book → literature, printed matter, a fact →-> knowledge, data
Many nouns meaning materials can become countable nouns when they are used to refer to an amount of something in a container:
a coffee, a beer, a whisky
beer rum
brandy sherry
coffee sugar
Coke vodka
gin whisky
lager yoghurt
Some of these words are used in restaurants and cafes but not in people's homes. For example, you might ask for "two teas" in a cafe, but someone in their own home would probably say, "Would you like some tea:" or "Would you like a cup of tea:" rather than Would you like а tea? "
Uncountable nouns can also be converted into countable nouns when "a type of" or "a variety of is meant
a local cheese, a very fine jam
beer metal
brandy paint
cheese perfume
coffee sauce
detergent soup