Учебное пособие: Lectures in Contrastive Lexicology of the English and Ukrainian Languages
- - ate (complicate, navigate);
- - en (darken, strengthen);
- - fy (signify, simplify);
- - ute (attribute, execute). These suffixes are non-productive.
In the Ukrainian language these are the suffixes:(ув)ати-, ити-(сушити, головувати).
Adverb—forming suffixes:
- - ly (quickly, lately);
- - long (sidelong, headlong);
- - ward(s) forward, toward(s);
- -ways, wise (clockwise, otherwise, crabways). Of all these suffixes only the suffix
-ly is productive.
In the Ukrainian language that is the suffixо-: високо, широко.
From the point of view of semantics suffixes can be classified in the following way:
1. Agent suffixes:
- -ist/ -іст/-ист(journalist, артист) ;
- ar/-ар/-яр (scholar, школяр);
- ier-/-yer/ -ир (cashier, бригадир).
2. Suffixes denoting abstract notions:
- -ism/ -ізм (socialism, комунізм);
- -tion/ -ац (demonstration, демонстрація);
- -dom/ -ств/-цтв (kingdom, газетярство);
- -hood/ -ств (brotherhood, братство).
3. Evaluative suffixes:
- -ette (kitchenette);
- -y/-ie/-ey (sissy);
- -ling (duckling).
- -атк/ ятк (дівчатко, оленятко)
- -ик (ротик);
- -ечк (донечка);