Учебное пособие: Профессиональное самоопределение

Практическая значимость работы заключается в попытке, предпринятой участниками проекта, изучить вопрос поиска путей для верного выбора будущей профессии.

Тема урока: Презентация проекта «Кем быть?»

Цель урока : обобщение результатов проектной деятельности учащихся по теме «Кем быть?»

Задачи :

1) показать умение отдельных учеников и группы школьников в целом использовать приобретённый исследовательский опыт по теме «Профессиональное самоопределение»;

2) совершенствовать умения аудирования, говорения и письма;

3) воспитывать культуру общения, развивать способность осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;

4) предоставить возможность школьникам выражать свои мысли по обсуждаемому вопросу;

5) показать учащимся пути, помогающие им сделать правильный выбор будущей профессии;

6) развивать творческие способности учащихся.

Ход урока.

1. Вступительное слово учителя.

This lesson is the last one on the topic “What Would You Like To Be?”

We had several lessons to discuss the problem and to find out the ways to choose the right profession/

You’ve learned a lot of new words and expressions. You’ve read much information and discussed many ideas. Project work helped you put the language into practice. You had to concentrate your attention not only on the language, but on the content of the tasks. You worked individually and in small groups. You had to cooperate not only with each other but also with the teacher. You learned to share your opinions and ideas with your friends. Today we’ll see how successful you were in your work. You’ll present your projects and we’ll try to answer the question: what is important in choosing a profession ? First, we’d like to listen to this group. Be attentive, please. Trytoaskthemsomequestions. ( Представитель 1-ой группы выходит к доске с презентацией своего проекта).

2. Презентация проекта 1 группы.

Generally, we think that it is not easy to choose the right occupation in life in which a person can best develop his or her talents and be successful. We feel very strongly that it depends on many things: on a person’s ideas, what the job is like, on qualities and skills needed for the job and his / her personal abilities. For example, a businessman is a very popular profession, but it requires a person to be energetic, confident, clever, ambitious, strong, friendly, firm, self-restrained, initiative. He / she must have administrative skills and work under pressure. Here you can see job requirements for professions of a journalist and a militiaman / detective.(Приложение 2, котороенаходитсянадоске).

We also have written a list of personal abilities and skills and tried to see what kind of person we are. (Приложение 3, находитсянадоске).

We matched these characteristics and job requirements. As you can see my characteristics matches the requirements for a job of a journalist or a tour guide. And Ilya’s personal qualities and skills suit the profession of a businessman. Well, listen to Ilya, please. He’ll tell his story about this profession.

(Илья выступает с сообщением. Его сочинение на доске. Там есть ещё одно сочинение о профессии журналиста). (Приложение 3 а,б)

Anyquestions ?

(Ученики из других групп задают вопросы, на которые отвечают члены 1-ой группы)

1 – Alyona, has your personal attitude to the problem changed ?

2 – Yes, it has. I’m absolutely convinced that a person should think hard to decide what profession to choose.

3 – And my question is to Ilya. What are your expectations of a future job ?

4 – I’d like to get satisfaction of the job. It will help me to express myself.

3. Презентация проекта 2-ой группы.

Учитель: Now, participants of the second group are to report the results of their group discussion to the class. Listen to them carefully and put down the questions that come into your mind while listening.

Ученик: A bright and happy road lies open before every school leaver. It’s up to us to decide what profession to choose. It is important to choose the right occupation that suits our interests. And we think that a talk with our parents, friends and teachers can help young people to decide what to be. An interview with a psychologist is also of a great importance. Our group prepared a list of questions for a job Interview that applicants may be asked during an interview for a job. Here they are. You can look through this list of questions to prepare yourself for a job interview. Below it there are some tips on how to behave during interview. (Приложение 4).

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