Учебное пособие: Разработки мероприятий и уроков по английскому языку
St.Valentine was a priest. He lived in Rome. His fiest falls on the 14lh of February. And it is a traditional day of lovers. But this is mere coincidence. He was not famous for helping lovers and he was not the true saint for lovers. In early times people believed that on this day birds chose their mates and joined in couples. But some people think that St.Valentine's Day Celebrations began with a Roman festival of Pan[1] and Juno[2] . In England there was a custom: the names of young girls and boys were mixed up and drawn out by chance. The person whose name was written on the card was your chosen "Valentine" for the year. More than a century ago it became fashionable to send pretty cards. Earlier, people sent funny and sometimes vulgar cartoons to friends on this day. Nowadays there are a lot of different cards on sale for this celebration in Britain. You can pay from 10 p to 10 pounds, it depends on the depth of your love and on the depth of your pocket. You may even send St. Valentine's Day Greeting Telegram. The most popular Valentine cards are the humorous ones, but some of them are so cruel that it would be heartless to send them even to your enemy.
St.Valentine cards are anonimous — you must not say who you are. The person receiving it must guess. You can send cards to anyone you like, or even to people you don't like. There are special cards to My Husband, My Wife, Mother, Father, Sweetheart. At least, it is good to know that in this troubled world love is still living.
In Europe and North America, the 14lh of February is famous as St. Valentine's Day. It is customary on the day to send a Valentine, a card with an affectionate message, to someone you love, or to your best friends. You don't sign your name, and for a person to whom you send this card it's interesting to guess who has sent the card. Of course, it's particularly young people who look forward to Valentine's Day, hoping to receive many cards. The cards may be happy or sad, romantic or humorous, serious or ridiculous, and may be sent to all people you know.
В стенгазете могут быть помещены шуточные и стихотворные поздравления к празднику.
Dear Stephanie,
I am going to be a millionaire when I am grown up. Now, will you be my Valentine?
You're the nicest kind of boy,
So very grown up too,
No wonder that this Valentine
Brings lots of love for you!
Dear Helen,
I can't love you anymore. I have a dog now.
Here's a valentine,
And this is what it's for
To say that every day
You are loved more and more! Bruce.
Dear Carol,
First I love my mother and father. Then I love my grandparents. Then I love my cat Pussy and my canary Yellowbird. Then I love my records and hi-fi set and after that I love you!
You are a special friend of mine, Will you be my Valentine? .
If apples were pears,
And peaches were plums,
And if rose had a different name —
If tigers were bears,
And fingers were thumbs
I'd love you just the same!
Ход мероприятия
Ведущий. Goodmorning, girls! Good morning, boys! I glad to see you. I hope you are fine today. Are you ready to start
party? Today we shall have the English party and have a talk about St. Valentine's Day!