1 The letter … typed and mailed. They’ll receive it in two days. a was b is being c has being d being 2 He announced that the Russian delegation … the session to show its protest. a leave b would leave c will leave d was left...

1 The letter … typed and mailed. They’ll receive it in two days. a was b is being c has being d being 2 He announced that the Russian delegation … the session to show its protest. a leave b would leave c will leave d was left 3 They … him when he tries to cross the border. a will have been shooting b will be shooting c will shoot; d will have shot 4 I want this article … by 5 p.m. a translating b translated c being translated d having translated 5 When I (look) through your books, I (notice) that you have a copy of Murder in the Cathedral. a look, noticed b was looking, noticed c looked, noticed d was looking, was noticing 6 While he (water) the flowers, it (begin) to rain. a was watering, began b watered, began c was watering, has begun d was watered, began 7 It was early morning. The sun … just… a has … risen b had … risen c rose d have…rose 8 Look! That plane is flying towards the airport. It … . a will land b will be landing c is going to land d was going to land 9 The boy who … us this story lives in a camp. a told b had told c was telling d has told 10 Why … you … the radiator, it is cold. a do … feel b are … feeling c does … feel d is…feeling 11 If she … known the facts she could have told us what to do. a have b will have c would have d had 12 Unless you … stop wasting time, I’m leaving right now. a will b can c – d are Test 18 1 Why didn’t you warn him? If I were you, I … him. a warned b had warned c would have warned d will warn 2 I could have saved some food for you, if I …you were coming. a had known b have known c would know d will know 3 Why … you … this rule with examples? a aren’t … illustrating b don’t … illustrate c aren’t … illustrate d didn’t illustrate 4 I … that mistake if I had read the instructions. a won’t make b made c had made d wouldn’t have made 5 I’m sorry, you‘ll have to wait. The hall is … now. a being aired b been aired c airing d aired 6 These famous sheep … transported here from Australia. a was b were c have d had 7 My watch … 5 minutes late. a is b are c will be d were 8 We … for three hours and … ten kilometres. a have walked, walked b have been walking, have walked c walked, have walked d was…walking, has walked 9 Jim isn’t in. He … to the library. a might have gone b might go c may went d may go 10 The accident is your fault. If you … more carefully, it …. a drove, didn’t happen b had driven, hadn’t happened c was driving, happened d had been driving, wouldn’t have happened 11 She didn’t see him … for her. a to be waited b waiting c be waiting d wait 12 By the time he … to Dublin, his sister … to America. a returned, left b returned, had left c had returned, went d has returned, went 13 The test … now. a is written b is being written c is writing d was being written
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