1. Заповни пропуски підметами, поданими в дужках. ... have a big flat. (Rita, we, he). ... reads a lot of books, (students, they, she) ... study English at school, (my brother, we, he) ... live in a village, (she, my grandparen...
1. Заповни пропуски підметами, поданими в дужках. ... have a big flat. (Rita, we, he). ... reads a lot of books, (students, they, she) ... study English at school, (my brother, we, he) ... live in a village, (she, my grandparents, he) ... lives in London, (my pen friend, we, they) ... go to school in the morning, (he, she, I) ... goes to the institute in the afternoon, (we, they, my elder sister) ... play football after classes, (the girl, my granny, we) ... plays computer games in the evening, (my grandparents, they, my father) ... bakes her famous pies on Sunday, (we, my aunts, granny) ... washes up after supper, (my sister, their brother, she)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
We, she, we, my grandparents, my pen friend, I, my elder sister, we, my father, granny, в последнем все подходит вроде.
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