10 предложений в сравнительной степени (нормальных, не из двух слов, чем сложнее предложегия, тем лучше)

10 предложений в сравнительной степени (нормальных, не из двух слов, чем сложнее предложегия, тем лучше)
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I have less time than he. Jack is little, but Alice is even smaller.  My room is larger than yours. This house is bigger than that I live farther from school than Pete. I can't understand which tablecloth is larger, the green one or the blue one. This highway is wider than that highway.  This subject is more important for you now. This text is less difficult than that one. She is older than my sister. 
1. Your problems are far more serious than you think. 2. It’s much cheaper than I thought. 3. This coffee is very weak, I like it a bit stronger. 4. The weather is very cold today, I expected it to be warmer. 5. The water is colder today than it was two days ago. 6. A holiday by the sea is better than a holiday in the mountains. 7. We were busier at work today than usual. 8. For lanuage learners, enthusiasm is more important than talent. 9. Why don’t you phone me more often? 10. I can’t walk any further.
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