1. Fill in the gaps with by or with. 1. The parcel will be delivered … a secretory on Monday. 2. The building has been decorated … barbola. 3. Dan was laughed at … his friends. 4. The dumping track was filled … sand. 5. St Paul...

1. Fill in the gaps with by or with. 1. The parcel will be delivered … a secretory on Monday. 2. The building has been decorated … barbola. 3. Dan was laughed at … his friends. 4. The dumping track was filled … sand. 5. St Paul’s Cathedral in London was designed … Sir Christopher Wren. 6. The roof of the building was damaged … a storm. 1. The window was broken … a piece of wood. 2. The Sagrada Família in Barcelona was designed … Antoni Gaudi'. 3. The park is decorated … Greek sculptures. 4. The project of a new hospital was discussed … several architects. 5. The wagon is filled … concrete. 6. The radio was invented … Popov.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. The parcel will be delivered by a secretory on Monday. 2. The building has been decorated with barbola. 3. Dan was laughed at by his friends. 4. The dumping track was filled with sand. 5. St Paul’s Cathedral in London was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. 6. The roof of the building was damaged by a storm. 1. The window was broken by a piece of wood. 2. The Sagrada Família in Barcelona was designed by Antoni Gaudi'. 3. The park is decorated with Greek sculptures. 4. The project of a new hospital was discussed with several architects. 5. The wagon is filled with concrete. 6. The radio was invented by Popov.
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