1. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may, must, have to, needn’t: a) My friend … read, but he … speak French. b) - … I speak to the head-waiter? - No, you …. c) - … I trouble you for the sugar? - Certainly. Here it i...

1. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may, must, have to, needn’t: a) My friend … read, but he … speak French. b) - … I speak to the head-waiter? - No, you …. c) - … I trouble you for the sugar? - Certainly. Here it is. d) He … go to the hotel today. e) She … lay the table very nice. f) - … we write these exercises now? - No, you ….
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
a.needn`t,have to.b.May, needn`t.c.can.d.must.e.can.f.must,needn`t.
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