Буду очень признательна!:) P.S. Задание прикреплено ниже

Буду очень признательна!:) P.S. Задание прикреплено ниже
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. John had only 20$ in cash so he offered to pay by credit card.  2. At the moment they have talks with their potential customers. 3. I think of starting my own business. 4. What do you think of your new CEO? 5. When people look for a job they usually write a CV. 6. Currently the company consists of five departments. 7. When Mike entered the room he saw a huge table with lots of papers on it. 8. Last year our profits increased by 10%. 9. They recruited a very experienced computer analyst not long ago. 10. I am in charge of this project so please, follow my instructions. 11. Did you see the project of a new assembly plant when you visited our office? 12. Linn doesn't like her present job, she prefers to work regular hours. 
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