Choose the corect words. Alina: What (may you/are you) going to do this weekend? Murat: I'm not sure. I (may/'m going to) go shopping, or I (may/'m going to) just hang out with my friends at home. What abaout you? Alina: I (may...

Choose the corect words. Alina: What (may you/are you) going to do this weekend? Murat: I'm not sure. I (may/'m going to) go shopping, or I (may/'m going to) just hang out with my friends at home. What abaout you? Alina: I (may/'m going to)see a film at the cinema.I've already got a ticket. Murat:What film (may you/are you going to) see? Alina: I don't know Murat: But you've got a ticket already! Alina: It's a free ticket.I can see any film I want. I (may/'m going to) see a scary film or I (may/'m going to) choose a comedy.I'll see when I get to the cinema! Помогите пожалуйста.Срочно нужноооо
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1 are you going to 2 may 3 may 4 am going to see 5 are you going 6 may 7 may
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