Choose the right tenses (Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Perfect). 1. The football match … (start) at 6.30 tomorrow evening. 2. Andr

Choose the right tenses (Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Perfect). 1. The football match … (start) at 6.30 tomorrow evening. 2. Andrew … (read) Hamlet but he … (never, see) it performed. 3. Martha is not crying. She … (peel) onions. 4. My aunt … (always, leave) her dirty dishes on the table. 5. Sandy's boyfriend … (play) golf. This is the first time I … (not, see) him on the golf course. 6. Dick is strange ever since he … (have) an accident. 7. A new play … (appear) at the theatre next week. 8. You look frozen! How long … (you, stand) out here in the cold? 9. It … (usually, snow) every day in winter in this part of the country. 10. Malcolm is tired because he … (travel) all day. 11. Linda … (constantly, make) long calls on the phone. She … (stay) with her family at the moment. 12. I … (see) Roger next Friday. His plane … (arrive) at 9 p.m. 13. Bryan … (be) to Denmark many times, he … (speak) quite good Danish. 14. Phil … (never, visit) his aunt Suzy who … (live) in New Zealand. 15. Alex … (just, offer) me a job. I … (meet) him on Monday morning. 16. Michael … (run) a small business for three years. I … (not, see) him for ages. 17. Tracy … (smell) flowers. I … (think) they … (smell) good. 18. I … (phone) you three times. — You see, I … (not, translate) the text so far. I … (do) the translation all day. 19. I … (always, prefer) coffee to tea. 20. This is the best restaurant I … (visit) in my life.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Perfect). 1. The football match … (starts) at 6.30 tomorrow evening. 2. Andrew … (has read) Hamlet but he … (has never, seen) it performed. 3. Martha is not crying. She … (is peeling) onions. 4. My aunt … (is always, leaving) her dirty dishes on the table. 5. Sandy's boyfriend … (plays) golf. This is the first time I … (have not, seen) him on the golf course. 6. Dick is strange ever since he … (had) an accident. 7. A new play … (appears) at the theatre next week. 8. You look frozen! How long … (have you been standing) out here in the cold? 9. It … (usually, snows) every day in winter in this part of the country. 10. Malcolm is tired because he … (has been travelling) all day. 11. Linda … (is constantly, making) long calls on the phone. She … (is staying) with her family at the moment. 12. I … (am seeing) Roger next Friday. His plane … (arrives) at 9 p.m. 13. Bryan … (has been) to Denmark many times, he … (speaks) quite good Danish. 14. Phil … (has never, visited) his aunt Suzy who … (lives) in New Zealand. 15. Alex … (has just, offered) me a job. I … (am meeting) him on Monday morning. 16. Michael … (has been running) a small business for three years. I … (have not, seen) him for ages. 17. Tracy … (is smelling) flowers. I … (think) they … (smell) good. 18. I … (have phoned) you three times. — You see, I … (have not, translated) the text so far. I … (have been doing) the translation all day. 19. I … (have always, prefered) coffee to tea. 20. This is the best restaurant I … (have visited) in my life.
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