Choose the right variant. Agatha Christie wrote ……… . a. fairy-tales b. detective stories c. fantastic stories 2) Joseph Turner was ……… . a. an actor b. an artist c. a scientist 3) The father of English prose is …...

Choose the right variant. Agatha Christie wrote ……… . a. fairy-tales b. detective stories c. fantastic stories 2) Joseph Turner was ……… . a. an actor b. an artist c. a scientist 3) The father of English prose is ……… . a. Daniel Defoe b. William Shakespare c. Mark Twain 4) Anna Pavlova is a world-famous ……… . a. teacher b. opera-singer c. ballet-dancer 5) The theory of evolution was opened by ……… . a. Charles Darwin b. Isaac Newton c. John R. R. Tolkien 6) Mark Twain was a famous ……… writer. a. American b. English c. Russian 7) Madame Tussaud’s is a famous ……… . a. theatre b. museum c. park 8) The statue of Peter Pan can be seen in ……… . a. Hyde Park b. Regent’s Park c. Kensington Gardens 9) Savva Morozov was a ……… . a. banker b. businessman c. politician 10) ……… sang “Yesterday”. a. J. Lennon b. L. Carrol c. M. Thatcher Fill in the articles. a / an: …… interesting book, …… outstanding author, …… famous theatre, …… special place, …… beautiful flower, …… important thing, …… royal palace. a / the / - : 1. I have got ……… rabbit. ……… rabbit is black. 2. ………Paris is the capital of ……… France. 3. I live in ……… Russian Federation. 4. ………. White Sea is in ……… Russia. 5. She has got ……… daughter. ………daughter is the best pupil in the class. 6. ……… last day of the week is Sunday. 7. Let’s invite ……… Semenovs to the party. 8. ……… Tom lives in ……… Green Street in ……… Washington. Translate into Russian. Have you ever been to London? Most museums in London are free. This museum is very interesting. It’s worth visiting. I’m tired of boring lessons. My father has already repaired the right wing of his car. She would like to fight against cruelty to animals. Watch out! A watchdog is coming. There are a lot of kinds of animals and birds all over the world. We help to save endangered animals. My granny is very kind. Mag gets along with her relatives well. Please, get ready for your Maths test. I’d like to get rid of some old clothes. All of us try to keep fit. He is a good friend. He can keep secrets. Find the odd word. pudding, cake, pie, sandwich fork, spoon, tablecloth, knife juice, honey, milk, tea water, sugar, salt, pepper potato, bread, tomato, cucumber ice cream, butter, cheese, sausage Complete the sentences: home or house? My relatives have a big __________ in the centre of our town. Murmansk is my __________ town. Last year my dad stayed in Minsk too long and he missed _________ very much. Mr. Brown’s _________ is nice. Translate into Russian. Wash up – Help in the garden – Set the table – Make the bed – Take out the rubbish – Sweep the floor – Walk the dog – Go shopping – 7. Fill in the reflexive pronouns: myself, itself, yourself, ourselves, himself, themselves, herself. Alice saw ____________ in the mirror. I bought this book _____________ . Nick has done this exercise ____________ . Look! The dog is playing by ______________ . My students can do this work _____________ . We enjoyed _____________ at the disco. I think you can do it _____________ . 8. Choose the right form of the verb. Her niece ______________ English. a. speak b. speaks c. is speaking 2) We _____________ this film yesterday. a. watch b. have watched c. watched 3) Soon he ______________ in chess competition. a. take part b. takes part c. will take part 4) I _____________ a nice present recently. a. get b. have got c. got 5) The weather was hot and they ___________ the whole day in the open air. a. spent b. will spend c. spend 6) Look! The girls ______________ tennis. a. play b. are playing c. plays 7) You usually ____________ TV in the morning. a. watch b. am watching c. have watched 8) My friend _________ just ____________ a new model of ship. a. bought b. has bought c. have bought 9) We _____________ a composition now. a. write b. will write c. are writing 10) I _____________ the Zoological society tomorrow. a. will join b. have joined c. join Срочно помагите
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Agatha Christie wrote ……… . b. detective stories 2) Joseph Turner was ……… . b. an artist 3) The father of English prose is ……… . b. William Shakespare 4) Anna Pavlova is a world-famous ……… . c. ballet-dancer 5) The theory of evolution was opened by ……… . a. Charles Darwin 6) Mark Twain was a famous ……… writer. a. American 7) Madame Tussaud’s is a famous ……… . b. museum 8) The statue of Peter Pan can be seen in ……… . c. Kensington Gardens 9) Savva Morozov was a ……… . b. businessman 10) ……… sang “Yesterday”. a. J. Lennon Fill in the articles. a / an: аn interesting book, an outstanding author, a famous theatre, a special place, a beautiful flower, an important thing, a royal palace. a / the / - : 1. I have got a rabbit. The rabbit is black. 2. - Paris is the capital of - France. 3. I live in the Russian Federation. 4. The White Sea is in - Russia. 5. She has got a daughter. The daughter is the best pupil in the class. 6. The last day of the week is Sunday. 7. Let’s invite the Semenovs to the party. 8. - Tom lives in - Green Street in - Washington.
1.1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.а 6.а 7.b 8.c 9.a 10.a 2.1.a 3.a 4.a 5.a 6.a 3.1.вы когда-нибудь бывали в Лондоне? 2.Большинство музеев в Лондоне бесплатные. 3.Этот музей очень интересен. Его стоит посетить. 4.Я устал от скучных уроков. 5. Мой папа уже отремонтировал правое крыло его автомобиля. 6.Она бы хотела бороться против жестокости по отношению к животным. 7.Осторожно! Сторожевой приближается. 8.Есть много видов животных и птиц во всем мире. 9.Мы помогаем спасать исчезающих животных 10.Моя бабушка очень добрая. 11. Мэг хорошо ладит со своими родственниками. 12.Пожалуйста, подготовься к тесту по математике. 13.Я бы хотел избавиться от старой одежды. 14.Все из нас стараются держать себя в форме. 15.Он хороший друг. Он умеет хранить секреты. 4.1.sandwich 2.tablecloath 3.honey 4.water 5.bread 6.sausage 2.home 3.home 6.Помыться - помочь в саду - накрыть стол - заправить кровать - вывезти мусор - подмести пол - гулять с собакой - ходить по магазинам. 7. 1.herself 2.myself 3. himself 4.itself 5.themselves 6. ourselves 7.yourselves 8)1) b 2)c 3)c 4)b 5)c 6)b 7)a 8)b 9)c 10) a
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