Complete the sentences with a / an, the or no article. 1. … Lake Baikal is in … danger. 2. Is … Great Britain … same as … Britain? 3. … United Kingdom is … island state. 4. Is … Irish Republic … independent state? 5. … Liverpoo...

Complete the sentences with a / an, the or no article. 1. … Lake Baikal is in … danger. 2. Is … Great Britain … same as … Britain? 3. … United Kingdom is … island state. 4. Is … Irish Republic … independent state? 5. … Liverpool is … industrial city in … centre of … England. 6. He visited … France, … Spain and … United States of … America. 7. … Whitehall is … street in … London. 8. Where is … Regent Street? 9. … Edinburgh is … capital of … Scotland. 10. … Atlantic Ocean influences … climate of … Europe.
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1)The Lake Baikal is in danger 2)Is the Great Britan same as the Britan? 3)The United Kingdom is an island state 4)Is the Irish republic an independent state? 5)Liverpool is an industrial city in centre of England 6)He visited France, Spain and Unired States of America 7)The Whitehall is street in London 8)Where is the Regent Street? 9)Edinburg is the capital of Scotland 10)An atlantic ocean influences a climate of Europe что-то может быть не правильно
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